[…] Also, if you’re TTC check out my post I Used a Menstrual Cup When Trying to Conceive. […]
Last Updated on February 18, 2024 by Natalie
In October of 2021 I had a D&C after a miscarriage and that was followed by putting my efforts to conceive on pause for a couple of months.
By January 2022, we started trying to conceive again.
We were using all the products to help us get pregnant at home. In July I did fertility consultations and the Day 3 and Day 21 labwork. August my husband had a sperm analysis–twice. And we made adjustments to my husband’s supplements and vitamins after I wrote my post on how male sperm health affects fertility.
My husband was ready to throw in the towel. He didn’t want to keep trying to conceive after July. July came and went with no pregnancy success. I kept truckin’ along like I didn’t hear that. In August, I had a chemical pregnancy.
In September, I started spotting and shortly after inserting my menstrual cup I started to wonder if I could’ve mistaken implantation bleeding for my period and went to Google to know what potential damage I could’ve done.
To my surprise, I saw an article from Parents called ‘Sperm Cups’ Might Help People Get Pregnant Faster.
What’s this? I had never heard of such a concept. There are actual fertility cups that look just like menstrual cups that people buy just for TTC (trying to conceive) but many people improvise and use a menstrual cup.
A day or 2 later my period had really arrived and I left the another tab open on my computer to revisit.
As my fertile time approached, I reread the article, researched a bit deeper and asked for opinions in forums. The people who tried it swore it worked for them. Finally, it was time. And since I had the necessary tool for the job, I tried it. I had nothing to lose.
How I Used My Menstrual Cup in TTC Efforts
I was already tracking my ovulation using Easy@Home Ovulation Tests. When I saw my peak, it was time to put this method to the test.
1. I made sure to keep my clean menstrual cup (I have the Diva cup) by my side (but out of my husband’s view because…awkward) while we…baby danced, as they say. For timing purposes, I will specify this happened during my husband’s lunch break (and toddler’s nap time).
2. Once we were done, I inserted the menstrual cup. It slipped in more easily than ever.
3. I remained on my back with the menstrual cup inserted for about 20 minutes.
4. Get up and go about my business until I went to bed (about 6 to 8 hours later). Remove my menstrual cup, clean it and put it away.
I did this two days in a row.
Two Weeks Later
Two weeks and one day later, to be exact, I took a pregnancy and bam. BFP.
I took another the next day to make sure the line wasn’t getting lighter like it did just 2 months before when I had a chemical pregnancy. I felt good about what I saw.
Final Verdict on Using a Menstrual Cup to TTC
This week I did my anatomy scan at 19 weeks pregnant. I’m half way there! Baby is looking great and has aced all her tests along the way. The menstrual-cup-for-TTC experiment was a success and we got a quality sperm out of it.
I’m sharing this for all my fellow couples who are having a long and challenging fertility journey. Do all the things! And throw this method in the mix.
I’m a believer.
Have you tried using a menstrual cup when TTC? If so, let me know if it worked.
Triana says
Hello, I just find out last 2 days ago I have a chemical pregnancy (in december 2023 I lost my first baby the same way as you) after ttc again since march 2024.
It has been a rough couple of days and I do not know what to expect, there is no sight of my period yet so I feel like frozen and it would be helpful to ask for your guidance for example how long did your period took to come after you discovered the chemical pregnancy or if your doctor told you if you could ttc right away or to wait, I know every body is different but I am feeling so lost and I’ terrified to think that this mean I havé to deal with real infertility and not just one time bad luck as I tried to believed the past months.
Thank you!!
Natalie says
Hi Triana! I’m sorry for your losses and I know how scary the uncertainty is. And, yes, while everyone’s experience is different, I too find comfort in knowing other’s stories. For me, my period ended up being about a week (or less) late with the chemical pregnancy. My doctor’s never told me I had to wait to ttc after a chemical pregnancy. Its effects are like that of a late period so no reason I’ve ever heard of that you’d need to hold off to try again.
Email me if you want to chat ❤️
Jenifer says
I’m also using this mensural Cup method it’s really works, now I have One year old boy baby. Try again and being hopeful